I would really love to see that happen, but somehow I don’t think it ever will! We could possibly make materials, and things that could make us think we have super powers, for example jetpacks would let us fly, so I would be happy to use those and pretend I can fly!
So even if we don’t evolve to gain superpowers we can certainly create something that could help give us super strength, the ability to fly (without planes) etc!
hmmmm – interesting question!!!! – well, i guess it depends what you mean by super powers! Eye laser beams are probably quite difficult to get (theres nowhere in nature that has eye laser beams) but other powers could be possible.
For example – we could evolve to see UV light and more colours – some animals can do this by having extra sensors in their eyes that are sensitive to different wavelengths. Or we could evolve to be able to see further (like hawks) or hear really well (like bats) – but all this would only happen if there was a selection pressure – a reason why having these mutations would make you more likely to survive.
So it might be a while before humans can fly without a plane or a machine 🙂
Hope that answers you’re question 🙂 let me know if you want to know more! 🙂