Hi Ava! I never entered the young scientist competition unfortunately but I did attend it a few times. It’s a lot of fun and I can imagine taking part would be really interesting and rewarding.
No I never did.. which I regret now. It seems like it could be good fun.
I found it hard to come up with an idea so I never applied.. I’ve tons of ideas now but its too late for me! =(
If you’re interested in taking part, do! I encourage you to take part in any science competition you can!
I am always taking part in science competitions now.. It’s such a great experience! You get to meet new and interesting people which makes competitions even more fun! I f I didn’t take part in any competition then I would have missed out on I’m a Scientist Get me Out of Here!!
I didn’t know about the BT young science competition when i was young – my school didn’t do it. But you should definitely ask your teachers about getting involved in it!
Theres quite a few events/competitions like these – have you heard of Scifest? thats another good one to have a go at!