• Question: If a black hole is a point of infinite mass and infinite gravity,then what is the reverse.Commonly dubbed a white hole,scientists have been theorising its mere excistence for years. Your opinion?

    Asked by Bob to Aoife, Brian, Conor, Louise, Matthew on 7 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Louise Mc Grath

      Louise Mc Grath answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Hey Bob,

      This isn’t really my area of expertise..but hey the universe is infinite and so there are infinite possibilities in my mind! I guess seeing as black holes exist, shouldn’t that mean that somewhere out in the universe a white hole should exist? Maybe we need to go further out into the universe to observe them? In fact an article was written in 2014 saying that one may have already been observed. It would be a pretty ground-breaking discovery if one was found!
      I didn’t realise there was a theory for white holes, so thank you Bob for teaching me something new today!

    • Photo: Aoife Lucid

      Aoife Lucid answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Though I haven’t studied relativity for a few years I went to do some reading on this as you’ve got me thinking about the idea, I had heard a little about white holes before but ever paid much close attention.

      From what I understand about them I doubt that they would actually exist. It’s a very nice bit of maths which essentially claims that white holes would spit out mass instead of taking in mass as a black hole does which, to me, seems highly unlikely. Black holes and general relativity however have been proved to exist, most recently by the really cool LIGO experiment in the US. In theoretical physics you will often find that people have a variety of different theories regarding well established and not so well established areas so there will of course be lots of scientists who will claim that white holes are possible. A good example of this kind of thinking is that while surrounded the standard model and the Higgs Boson before it’s detection in 2012, if you are interested in seeing other theories that people had that were neither proved nor disproved by the discovery I highly recommend the movie Particle Fever which is all about the theory and discovery of the Higgs (I recommend it if you are interested in high energy physics/theoretical physics/particle physics in any case!)

    • Photo: Matthew Kitching

      Matthew Kitching answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      Hi Bob

      THAT is a stumper of a question for sure 🙂 I have absolute no idea! lol. Anything i would say is just guessing – so ill leave it to people more expert in the area than me. But there’s one thing for sure, finding one would be super cool!
