• Question: We are doing BT Young Scientist 2017 and our project is all about the hormone troponin. My partner and I previously asked you some questions on this subject. When we are displaying our project in the RDS, Dublin in January can we mention that you helped us?(Don't worry we'll give you all the recognition you deserve!!) We would love to have you helping us and having a professional scientist's opinion will really boost our project. By the way, if you want to remain anonymous we will keep it vague.

    Asked by 856newg35 to Brian on 15 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Brian Caffrey

      Brian Caffrey answered on 15 Nov 2016:

      Hi sorry I haven’t gotten back to you guys until now. Tbh I haven’t heard about this hormone troponin but if you’d like to tell me more and maybe I can be some help with your project, my email is brian.caffrey@cbni.ucd.ie. I don’t know how much help I’ll be but I’ll give it a try! And don’t worry about mentioning me, it’s your project! 🙂
