• Question: What are the different types of engineering

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      Asked by 624newg52 to Aoife, Brian, Conor, Louise, Matthew on 9 Nov 2016.
      • Photo: Louise Mc Grath

        Louise Mc Grath answered on 9 Nov 2016:

        Hi 624newg52!

        Well according to this website http://www.aboriginalaccess.ca/youth/types-of-engineering there are over 200 types… Some types include electrical, electronic, chemical, aerospace and environmental engineers! The above website is handy as it tells you what each type is about and what it involves!
        Handy if you were thinking about doing engineering!

        I hope this helped answer your question?

      • Photo: Matthew Kitching

        Matthew Kitching answered on 9 Nov 2016:

        Hi 624newg52! thanks for the question 🙂

        i think louise has covered the types of engineering that we have right now pretty well! But what will engineering be like when you graduate university? maybe they’ll be new types of engineering?

        When i used to work in the fudge shop (i had a saturday job too during my PhD) – they used to call us Fudge Engineers. Because we really had to understand how the fudge “work” – we also had to be able to make the fudge set and shape in the right way. In all disciplines this is what engineers have to do: 1) really really understand the theory about how something works (electricity/computers/chemicals) AND 2) how to make these things do exactly what we want them too (normally on an industrial scale.

        Maybe you can be the first engineer in a totally new sub-discipline!
