• Question: What is tartan paint?

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      Asked by Ava to Matthew on 10 Nov 2016.
      • Photo: Matthew Kitching

        Matthew Kitching answered on 10 Nov 2016:

        Hi Ava!

        Tartan paint is a paint that isn’t one colour – its lots of different colours arranged in a pattern. Tartan is a pattern of cloth normally associated with scotland (although i think theres irish tartan as well). heres the wikipedia page:

        So my paint, rather than just being one colour, will be lots of colours and when you paint it on a wall it will organise itself into the right pattern! I want to do this by getting the different paints to send signals to each other, telling them where they are and where to go!

        I hope that answers your question? let me know if you want to know more! 🙂
