• Question: What type of computers do you use?

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      Asked by 595newg52 to Aoife, Brian, Conor, Louise, Matthew on 9 Nov 2016.
      • Photo: Louise Mc Grath

        Louise Mc Grath answered on 9 Nov 2016:

        Hi 595newg52,

        Well I use a Dell Optiplex 9010.. It is a pretty powerful computer! I get to use two screens as well so I can get plenty of work done! It has an intel i5 processor with 16GB of RAM which means I can run lots of simulations on my computer without it slowing down too much! I really do like it.

      • Photo: Matthew Kitching

        Matthew Kitching answered on 9 Nov 2016:

        Hi 595newg52 ā€“ thanks for the question šŸ™‚

        I have a mac book pro for travelling around and giving presentations in schools and universities.

        Im actually very lucky because i also have a dell PC computer for doing things with the data i generate from my experiments as well.

        I also have a calculator ā€“ (because Iā€™m terrible at maths lol)

        does that help?

      • Photo: Aoife Lucid

        Aoife Lucid answered on 9 Nov 2016:

        Hi 595newg52, I use a lot of different computers and operating systems for what I do. I have a Dell computer running Windows at work, a Macbook for home and I have a few laptops that run linux too. All of the supercomputers I use have linux as their operating system. You can see pictures of some of these computers on my profile!
