Scientists don’t even know HOW we got here, let alone if theres a reason behind it. The best theory to date is, that billions of years ago – lightening and the hot gases of the early earth reacted to form the building blocks of life (amino acids) these started to combine together and over time, they became capable of self-replication – and then evolution takes over, and you get to us!
It terms of why we’re here? thats a really tricky question – I don’t think that humans have an Independent reason for existing – I think we have to come up with that ourselves. I like that idea that the point of existence is like evolution – we are supposed to make mistakes, learn from them, and get better at being in the world, and ultimately pass this information on to our children.
Hope this answers your question – let me know if you want to know more 🙂
Well the real answer.. no one knows! It is a mystery that will baffle us until the end of time.
I believe that we exist to make the world an interesting and happy place. Seeing as we don’t know why we exist we are constantly looking for answers and creating new technology. I think we should use our knowledge to make sure that everyone (and everything) can be happy.
A happy earth, is the best type of earth!
I don’t know why we exist but I do think that while we exist we should do our best to do things that make us happy and make the world a better place so that our existence is worthwhile.
(a more sciencey answer might be that we exist because a bunch of cells evolved into a humanoid form which evolved into us!)