I don’t know if that will happen, however peopl can live for a long time at the moment. The oldest verified person on record was French woman Jeanne Calment (1875–1997), who lived to the age of 122 years, 164 days, and that was before we had all the advancements in medicine that we have now!
Currently Emma Morano is 116 years, 353 days old, and still alive, so you’d never know! in years to come we may be able to live longer but we will just have to wait and see!
200 year old – thats ages! louise talked about how old people are currently – but the real problem isn’t living longer – its making sure that your body works as well as it did when your young. After about 30, your body starts to get less good at repairing itself, and as you get older you find doing things more difficult and it takes you longer to get well if your sick.
Imagine if you could live to 100 but always have the body of a 20 year old! If you find a way to make that happen – you’ll be a very rich man who will have made millions of peoples lives better!
Come be a scientist! you can help us make it happen!