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Visit the 'staffroom' during the event, the moderators will be here if you have a problem.
The room is staffed throughout event hours, 9-5 on weekdays, but please be patient if you don't get an immediate answer. We're probably working hard in a zone (or making a cup of tea). You can only use the chat if you are logged in. If you can't use it then please email us: with your question.
My Answered Questions
what happens if you mix oxygen and hydrogen
what happens if you mix two types of blood
is it a possibilty that someone could live on mars in a few years or so and is there more than one galaxy
is studying for your PhD very hard hard or do youfind it easy#
how fun was it when you skydived and what emotions were you going through
do you think people will be able tolive on mars and why do you think that
whats it like to work with children