Questions Answered by Maria
My class and I went on a recent trip and we learned a lot about fossils what is the oldest fossil I the world ?
by Pip4000 and 1 other. to Maria
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How does your work improve our world?
by alana and 2 others. to Souvik, Sabine, Maria, John, Faye, Armin
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Hey maria,what was your most interesting ancient animal to descover and learn about?
by Brooke to Maria
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What is the biggest fossil you’ve ever found
by Hey I’m xX Ali ahh Xx and 2 others. to Maria, Armin
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What knowledge are birds capable of having and how small are their brains
by Curious to Maria
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Is It Possible To Colonize Mars
by EpicDuck27 and 2 others. to Souvik, John, Faye, Armin, Sabine, Maria
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As a scientist what do u do at work on a daily basis?
by alana to Souvik, Sabine, Maria, John, Faye, Armin
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What got you into being a palaeobiologist? Is the dinosaurs or the birds?
by Tom the A bomb 💣 to Maria
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How did you figure out that dinosaurs had dandruff ?
by Daniel to Maria
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How do fossils form?
by Jessica109 to Maria
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