Questions Answered by James
Do you think there are multiple universe
by anon-39929
Comments: (So far, one comment )
Are you happy of your life?
by anon-39921
Comments: (So far, one comment )
What was your favourite thing to do as a child
by anon-39764 and 1 other.
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were you always interested in science
by anon-39745 and 1 other. to James, Jill, Vincent
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What made you come to Ireland to study science
by anon-39916 to James
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Do you make a lot of money?
by anon-39758 and 3 others. to Sarah, Vincent, Sean, Ingmar, Cristina, Ciara, Siobhán, Vanessa, James
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How much gravity does the sun have?
by anon-39917
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what age where you when you became a scitinsrt
by anon-39766 and 2 others.
Comments: (So far, one comment )
What age wore u when u developed a passion for science
by anon-39916
Comments: (So far, one comment )
What do you like about science?
by anon-39924
Comments: (So far, one comment )