• Question: @Elaine in your opinion are there any disadvantages in being a scientist

    Asked by Esther2017 to Elaine, Ciara, Yvonne, Yannis, Gonzalo, Golnaz on 7 Nov 2017. This question was also asked by 884fddk27.
    • Photo: Ciara O'Donovan

      Ciara O'Donovan answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      No I do not think so. It is hard work sometimes but I really love what I do. There are also a lot of different opportunities as a scientist if you want to change the area you are working in slightly.

    • Photo: Elaine Kennedy

      Elaine Kennedy answered on 8 Nov 2017:

      I think every job has advantages and disadvantages. Being a scientist is great because I get learn lots of new things and I can plan how I will spend my time each day but some times being a scientist means working really long hours which can be tough. One of the best parts of working with other scientists is they can make the long hours fun and if you enjoy your work the hard work is definitely worth it!
