Coeliac disease is where a person is sensitive to a protein called gluten. Gluten can be found in foods that contain wheat, barley and rye.. it is present in foods such as pasta, breads, cakes, sauces and drinks like beer. If a person has this disease they need to exclude foods containing gluten from their diet. If they were to eat gluten their bodies have a reaction to it and this can result in damage to the gut. This could make it hard for this person to absorb nutrients from foods.
Ciara have explained it very well!
If caeliac people eat foods with gluten their small intestine will get irritated. Not all the caeliac people reacts the same way, some of them can eat bit portions of food with gluten with no problems but others cannot even eat a really tiny little amount of gluten.
786fddk47 commented on :
Thanks so much x