Question: Hi there I have bin diagnosed with diabetes type 1 around 3 weeks now and I am wondering what you think is the cause of diabetes type 1 my opinion would be it's the cause of a certain type of food I am really curious to see what you would say
I am sorry to hear this…no, the reason is NOT a certain type of food.
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the beta cells of the pancreas gland stop producing the hormone insulin. As a result of this you now need to take insulin by injection or via a pump.
So, it has nothing to do with food. You need to be careful though about your diet and have food with low glycemic index
Type 1 diabetes is not caused by what you eat so don’t worrry about what you have eaten or not. But now that you have it you will have to check your diet so you don’t get sick. The scientist still don’t know the exact cause of diabetes type I It is type 2 diabetes the one that can be caused by how your diet is
435fddk26 commented on :