• Question: If the meat we buy has antibiotics prior to slaughter is it safe for us to eat

    Asked by Em12 to Ciara, Elaine, Golnaz, Gonzalo, Yannis, Yvonne on 9 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Ciara O'Donovan

      Ciara O'Donovan answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      In Ireland animals cannot be slaughtered for a certain period of time (I think about a month) after they have had antibiotics.. this meats are safe for us to eat but if the antibiotics were still in the meat when we were eating it then this can increase the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.. such as the bacteria in our guts. This can be dangerous as if bacteria which make us sick are antibiotic resistant then they are difficult to treat. But luckily this is not something we have to worry about our meat in Ireland.

    • Photo: Ioannis Zabetakis

      Ioannis Zabetakis answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      no it is not! very good point! That’s why we need eat everything in moderation and follow med diet

    • Photo: Gonzalo Delgado-Pando

      Gonzalo Delgado-Pando answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      Ciara has explained it very well. I also wanted to add up that Irish farmers use less antibiotics than most of the other farmers in the other European countries, so Irish farmers are trying to reduce even more.
      The thing is antibiotics are sometimes needed to treat the animals so they don’t spread the disease to other animals in the same farm. So it is a tricky thing.
