0 Question: What does food additives do? Keywords: additives Asked by Ravenclaw's crown to Yannis, Yvonne, Gonzalo, Golnaz, Elaine, Ciara on 7 Nov 2017. This question was also asked by Em12.
Ioannis Zabetakis answered on 7 Nov 2017:
Most food addtives make the expiry date of foods longer, i.e. they increase the period we can keep food at home.
Other food additives give extra colour and flavour
this link is useful
Ciara O'Donovan answered on 8 Nov 2017:
Some food additives can also keep the texture of a food stable (e.g. stop it from separating) and some others stop foods from changing in colour.
Gonzalo Delgado-Pando answered on 8 Nov 2017:
Some additives allow to extend the expiration date, some others give flavours, taste or certain colours to the products, other helps with the texture and many more things!