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Visit the 'staffroom' during the event, the moderators will be here if you have a problem.
The room is staffed throughout event hours, 9-5 on weekdays, but please be patient if you don't get an immediate answer. We're probably working hard in a zone (or making a cup of tea). You can only use the chat if you are logged in. If you can't use it then please email us: with your question.
My Answered Questions
Are lights expensive
Why is the sky blue?
Where do the stars go during daytime
how fast can light travel?
is being a scientist fun ;)
would you be able to live without light in your home?
what age did you become a scientist
which travels faster sound or light?
Which do you think is better glasses or contact lenses? Do you wear any?
how many light bulbs would you need to be as bright as the sun