
Georgiana Ifrim
About Me
I live in Dublin and I like to walk outdoors in nature. I am married and I have a daughter and a son.
My Typical Day
I get up at 6AM and get the kids ready for school. At 7.30AM I meditate for 30mins and then have breakfast. I get myself ready for work and by 8.30-9AM I start work (at uni or home desk). I usually quickly check email and my Google calendar, plan my day, and then I have meetings with my research group members, or taught students, or with colleagues with whom I collaborate on projects. On teaching days I take time to prep for my lectures and tutorials. I have lunch around 12PM and if I can I will sneak in a 30min walk outdoors, preferably somewhere with lots of green, woods or flowers. I usually collect the kids from school between 4.30-5PM and by 6PM we are all home.
What I'd do with the prize money
I would contribute it to the Insight Centre for Data Analytics EPE fund. The EPE team has done a brilliant work at educating the Irish society about STEM, AI and coding, and improving STEM access and awareness for all, so I think this will be well invested and provide good value for money.
Up to and including BSc, I studied in Romania, I did my BSc in Computer Science at University of Bucharest. After that, MSc and PhD at Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany.
BSc, MSc, PhD, Prof Cert University Teaching & Learning
Work History:
Aarhus University, UCC, UCD
Current Job:
Associate Professor, School of Computer Science, UCD
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
nature-loving computer scientist
What did you want to be after you left school?
I liked math and I thought I would do something with computers so I can earn a decent living. I never thought I will end up doing research and teaching in computer science.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really, I really cared about my education and the ability of education to lift me up and give me knowledge. Knowledge is strength.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
I like a mix of styles, depending on mood. I discovered Haevn recently and I like their art form. I also like Gaiea Sanskrit, she is profound and fun.
What's your favourite food?
Hot veg soup with freshly baked bread. Anything that my mother cooks :-).
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Splashed around in the sea, hiked in beautiful places.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
Have more sleep, have more sun, have more time with my family.
Tell us a joke.
What happens when it rains cats and dogs? Be careful not to step on the poodles.