
Justine Mathoux
About Me
I'm from Normandy in France and I live with my boyfriend in Dublin. I am PhD student and I like to bake, to read, Disney and Architecture!
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I’m from Normandy in France. It’s in the North-West of France. I’ve met my boyfriend there and now we are living in Dublin to finish our education and to learn English (which wasn’t my strength at all at school). I started a PhD studentship in April 2019. As my grand-mothers and my mother, I like to cook and bake, my speciality is crepes! I also enjoy read a book or watch Disney movies (Mulan is the best one!). I like to visit and discover new thing, for that, I’ll hike, travel or visit a museum. I am a big fan of architecture and always look at it wherever I am.
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I am studying Temporal Lobe Epilepsy which correspond to Epilepsy located in the area of the brain near the temple. This type of Epilepsy involves a structure called hippocampus (called like that because of its shape) which is involved in learning and memory. More precisely, my work focuses on changes in RNA in Epilepsy. To be functional, your cells transform your DNA in RNA and then in proteins. In hippocampus of Epileptic patient, there may be change on the RNA which doesn’t allow a correct transformation to proteins and that could be targeted by a new drug to treat Epilepsy.
My Typical Day
I wake up and have breakfast (tea, cereals with milk). I start to work around 8am. I get a coffee (with a lot of milk) in the morning or with my lunch. After,I get back to work until 5pm. At home, I cook, have dinner around 7, and watch a movie before to go to bed.
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I wake up and have breakfast (tea, cereals with milk). I usually start to work around 8am. My work is rythms by my experiments. The first thing I do is to start them. If there is a waiting time, I get a coffee (with a lot of milk!) or have lunch if it is lunch time, talk with my colleagues or analyse data from a previous experiments. During the afternoon, I continue my experiment or I analyse my data until 5 or 6pm. I’ll go home, cook, have dinner around 7 and usually watch a movie before to go to bed.
University of Rouen in France and RCSI
Bachelor's degree in Biology and Master's degree in Neuroscience and cognitive science
Work History:
I worked in a bank during summers, in a lab in high school, as temporary staff in an industry and in a lab in UCD
Current Job:
PhD student
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Baking Neuroscientist
What did you want to be after you left school?
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
Butter croissant
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I would like to travel to Japan, more hours in a day and live in an house with sea view