• Question: how much money do you make

    Asked by meet50yet on 29 Nov 2021.
    • Photo: Cyrille Thinnes

      Cyrille Thinnes answered on 29 Nov 2021:

      Enough for my weekly dose of pizza.

    • Photo: Justine Mathoux

      Justine Mathoux answered on 1 Dec 2021:

      A PhD student in Ireland get an indeminity of 1500euros per month.

    • Photo: Danielle Nader

      Danielle Nader answered on 1 Dec 2021: last edited 1 Dec 2021 2:33 pm

      That depends on where your funding is coming from. Funding is provided by a large research organization or charity, sometimes big universities too. Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) is a huge research foundation that provides money for research. This can also change based on what country you do your research. A PhD student income could range from 18K euro – 24K euro per year in Europe. The USA will have slightly higher income (20K – 30K $ per year) because the cost of living there is higher.

    • Photo: Ohood Alharbi

      Ohood Alharbi answered on 3 Dec 2021:

      Varies depends on what am I doing 🙂
