Supported by SFI Discover Programme
Questions Answered by Hugh
-how much do you get payed?
by Eliot-JJ and 1 other. to Julia, Kieran, Hugh, Emily
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What do you like tell yourself when working as a scientist?
by Ally.A to Triona, Simone, Kieran, Julia, Hugh, Emily
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Which of the following do u think came first? The Egg or The chicken?
by Ally.A and 1 other. to Triona, Simone, Kieran, Julia, Hugh, Emily
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How long did you have to studie befor you became a scientist
by Bumble bee 4 to Triona, Simone, Kieran, Julia, Hugh, Emily
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How are crystal made
by 472newp27 to Triona, Simone, Kieran, Julia, Hugh, Emily
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Did working at a computer repair shop help you work with nano materials?
by Sean Finn to Hugh
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why do you like being a scientist?
by humbleketchup2 and 1 other. to Kieran, Triona, Simone, Julia, Hugh, Emily
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Does maths impact(help) in science?
by _xGODSPLANx_ to Triona, Simone, Kieran, Julia, Hugh, Emily
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Do you know of any materials that can be used to make batteries that are not currently being widely used
by Kilianmango to Triona, Simone, Kieran, Julia, Hugh, Emily
Comments: (So far, one comment )
what is the weirdest thing you have dissected
by humbleketchup2 to Hugh
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