• Question: How is cancer caused like can eatting foods give cancer what skin products give cancer

    Asked by meet49hue to Stephen, Rajannya, Marcello, Liudmila, Changhong, Cathal, Aisling on 16 Nov 2020.
    • Photo: Marcello Valente

      Marcello Valente answered on 16 Nov 2020:

      Cancer is generated by the accumulation of dangerous mutations in the cells that start to go crazy and parasite the body.
      Radiations and some chemicals cause it for sure but we are unsure for the rest

    • Photo: Liudmila Khokhlova

      Liudmila Khokhlova answered on 17 Nov 2020: last edited 17 Nov 2020 5:06 am

      Some chemicals can trigger cells to become cancerous: basically, immortal cells, dividing and spreading without stopping. Such chemicals called carcinogens. We know that some foods are associated with a higher risk of getting cancer because they contain carcinogens, such as processed meats. It doesn’t mean that one smoked sausage will give you cancer, but eating processed meats every day – certainly not a good idea. Other common carcinogens include alcohol, smoking, diesel exhausts and sun (better not get sun burnt too often). Unfortunately, not enough studies have been done on skin products (well, there’s a lot of them).

