Simple answer: it is a very exciting job. You get to solve problems that no one ever solved before, and when you manage to do that, what an amazing feeling! Completely worth all the effort, even though it is quite challenging.
I became a scientist as it fascinates me to know how things work. E.g. How scattering of light makes the sky blue.
I also love the challenge of figuring out new ways to do or improve things.
It’s so exciting after you spend months researching, experimenting and then reviewing all your results to publish them in scientific papers and share your findings with the world and see the products you helped to design on the shop shelves.
Because it is a new question every day to solve. You get a new puzzle , some days you solve it, some days are spent in contemplation but you always remember the satisfaction of getting to know something new. That is what motivates you to keep at it:)
Ever since i was little puzzles were my go to thing when i was bored. I used to love jigsaw puzzles but they would get to easy after a while so i would do them upside down to give myself an extra challenge. This then turned into my love for maths as i got older as i always found it was like doing puzzles. This enjoyment never left me and even to this day i love doing puzzles. How i do them now is with my coding every day.